Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ham Roll-Ups

Candy for the baby shower:

Magic Cookie Bars

Hello,on the first day of homeschooling we were going to make gingerbread house but Miss Michelle's family wanted to make them with us so we made cookies instead. It was fun. My partner was Jonah.We first started to put flour on the counter and on the rollers. After that we took some dough and rolled it out,after that we got the gingerbread cutter and cut out the shape (as you can see in the picture). after that we took a smallish spatula.After all that we put them on the pan and in the oven they went. After all that hard work we ate a cookie. By:Hannah Beaver

Making Fastnachts

They were sweet and good . They had dough in the middle. I did the rolling and cutting /Matthew

Making Fastnachts was fun. We all had jobs. Matthew, Mom, and James formed the dough. Then James brought them to me and I put them in a dutch oven with hot grease. After that I put them on a paper towl to cool and Jonah took them and put them in powdered sugar then put them on a plate. After all that work we ate some FASTNACHTS.-Hannah Beaver